Do German Shepherd Puppies Change Color?


Thinking about getting a German Shepherd puppy? Be aware the German shepherd Puppies change their color as they grow. Causes for coat color change in German Shepherd puppies could be genetics, natural coat molting, diseases, growth, diet, and stress. Even in adults, coat color can change. Reasons include diet, hormones, diseases, and aging.  German Shepherd … Read more

How Much Is A German Shepherd? Costs of Owning one

How Much Is A German Shepherd Costs of Owning one

The German Shepherd is a dog that finds admirers everywhere! But how much is a German Shepherd?  The average price tag of a German Shepherd is $1500 to $3000 that can even exceed $5000 in some cases. This is a higher price compared to other dogs, but a dog of good qualities does attract a higher … Read more

Can Pugs Give Birth Naturally? Pug Pregnancy Facts

Can Pugs Give Birth Naturally

Pugs are popular even though they may cost a lot extra than other breeds. But Can Pugs give birth naturally? Or do they need help in the form of a C-section?  The truth is Pugs rarely give birth naturally due to high chances of complications. They mostly require a C-section. If your Pug is pregnant, … Read more

Categories Pug

Why Do Some Corgis Have Long Tails?

Why Do Some Corgis Have Long Tails

It might surprise you but Pembroke Welsh Corgi are born with a long tail! But then where does the tail go? It is common to dock a newborn Pembroke Corgi’s tail shortly after birth.  Pembroke Welsh Corgi are born with long tails, but some people have them docked (cut-off) at the age of 2 to … Read more

German Shepherd vs Rottweiler. Who would win?

German Shepherd vs Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a formidable dog and many people wonder if any dog comes close to the strength of this breed. One breed, in particular, comes to mind, the German Shepherd whose name we would associate with strength and power.  But in a show of power, would a German Shepherd kill a Rottweiler?  The Rottweiler … Read more

Do German Shepherds Howl? 7 Reasons For Howling

Do German Shepherds Howl?

The German Shepherd is indeed an appealing dog. But often prospective dog owners want to know the cons (if any) of owning a German Shepherd before adopting one. One particular question is “Do German Shepherds howl?” The truth is German Shepherds do howl! They can howl due to pain, separation anxiety, happiness, instinct, or seeking … Read more

Do German Shepherd Bite? How To Stop It?

Do German Shepherd Bite

The German Shepherd breed is renowned as one that is good at protecting its owners and their property. But, what people fail to mention is that this dog is also notorious for biting, not just intruders but his owners too!  Reasons, why a German Shepherd may bite, includes teething, fear, wanting attention, poor genetics and … Read more

Do German Shepherd Like Water? Can They Swim?

Do German Shepherd Like Water

The German Shepherd is known to be a guard dog. But, people are opening up to the idea of keeping one as a companion dog. So, when wanting to include a German Shepherd in family activities, the question “do German Shepherd like water”, comes up. So do German Shepherd dogs like water and can they … Read more

The Cost Of A Purebred Corgi

Cost of a corgi

Corgis are famous throughout the world, thanks to the Queen and her pet Corgi. But, not many people are familiar with the costs these impressive dogs can attract! A Purebred Corgi can cost anywhere between $1000 and $2500. Purebred Corgi puppies from prized breed lines can even reach $4000!   Factors Affecting Cost Of A Purebred … Read more

Do Pugs Bark A Lot? How to Stop Excessive Barking?

do pugs bark

Every dog will bark, we can only debate which dogs bark more or less. Dog enthusiasts who want a quiet and manageable dog may get attracted to small dogs like the Pug. But, one question lingers in their mind. Do Pugs bark a lot? Pugs do bark but not as much as most other dog … Read more

Categories Pug